Master The Workflow

Created by veteran film editors Lawrence Jordan, ACE & Richard Sanchez, Master The Workflow is a business that provides in-depth training & information for people aspiring to become feature film and television editors. Their flagship course Feature Film Assistant Editor Immersion now has students in over 40 countries & has become the de facto standard for those wishing to learn everything about the editing craft.


Jumpstart aspiring film editor's career in feature films and television for the major Hollywood studios, networks and streaming services through Master the Workflow's specialized training programs.

  • Strategy

    Brand diagnosis, Actionable Plans, Full-Funnel

  • Design

    Static Posts, Animation, Video

  • Production

    Creative Meetings, Design Sprints, Documentation

  • Platforms

    Website, Facebook, Instagram, Email

⬤ 01. Experience

Getting an extra audience of
with your brand, by creative
and strategic efforts.

At the beginning we started by launching the main course ¨FFAEI¨ twice a year through sales campaigns. Over time we’ve evolved our strategy in order to generate a steady stream of revenue.

Now we strengthen the relationship with potential customers through social media management and campaigns launching.

⬤ 02. Visual Identity

A fluid visual user
experience with
creative solutions.

The DRB team created this graphic line, giving the brand a modern structure, focusing on large and eye-catching texts to quickly capture the attention of its audience.

In social networks we mixed between photographs and single tone design to give a clean look and communicate fluently.

Color palette


R 119
G 59
B 203

Blue Violet


R 255
G 255
B 255



R 243
G 106
B 32

Orange Red


R 62
G 39
B 125

Spanish Violet




AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiJjKkLlMmNnOoPpQqRrSsTtUuVvWwXxYyZz 0123456789

Wotfard Font Family


Sans Serif

⬤ 03. User Experience

We focus on changing
the way people think
of digital experience.

For Master the Workflow we designed and built the entire digital customer experience around the brand through an eye-catching and user-friendly website with integrated online shopping and an interface adaptable to all devices.


Site of the Day
Oct 20, 2020

Mobile Excellence
Sep 25, 2020

FWA of the Day
Sep 23, 2020


Let's get in touch,
we respond fast.

Ready to work together?