Nativus brand is on the staple foods market. It’s an Ecuadorian family business that wants their brand through their main products: Yuca Cheese Bread and Yogurt.
Design a user-friendly digital environment and a graphic line focused on the target audience in order to scale sales with a strong brand identity that allows Nativus to stand out from your competitors.
Brand diagnosis, Actionable Plans, Full-Funnel, E-commerce
Packaging, Static Posts, Animation, Website
Creative Meetings, Design Sprints, Documentation
Instagram, Facebook, Website
We bring brand values to
the senses of customers.
At the beginning the main problem was the lack of a system for attracting new clients, people didn’t know the brand and they’ve been focusing too much on the Latin American market.
As DRB, our main focus is to build awareness and sales and show that Nativus is a loved brand with high retention of clients. We did it through a dynamic website and eye-catching content on ads and social media.
⬤ 02. Visual Identity
An eye-catching visual
design that demonstrates
how beloved a brand is.
For this brand we created a visual identity based on Pop-art, strong and striking colors, with curved lines giving a playful atmosphere, perfect for the sale of a snack like yucca cheese bread, the Block Berthold typography makes the perfect match within this combination.
The artist Gabriel Cozzarelli contributes to the brand with the Pop style character design.
Primary #7b65b0 | ◯ | |
R 123 G 101 B 176 |
Blue Violet Crayola
Primary #fac465 | ◯ | |
R 250 G 196 B 101 |
Maximum Yellow Red
Primary #f7f3e8 | ◯ | |
R 247 G 243 B 232 |
Floral White
Primary #fb889b | ◯ | |
R 251 G 136 B 155 |
Salmon Pink
Block Berthold Condensed Regular
AbBbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiJjKkLlMmNnOoPpQqRrSsTtUuVvWwXxYyZz 0123456789 !·$&/().,-
Block Berthold Condensed
Post Script name
⬤ 03. USER Experience
For Nativus we designed and built the entire digital customer experience around the brand through an eye-catching and user-friendly website with integrated online shopping and an interface adaptable to all devices.
We focus on changing
the way people think of
digital experience.
Lorem ipsum dolor
Site of the Day
Oct 20, 2020
Mobile Excellence
Sep 25, 2020
FWA of the Day
Sep 23, 2020
Best Experience
“From branding, product design and layout, website and mobile development, Signature led and executed on great ideas with remarkable talent, and within an easy and collaborative ecosystem. I’d work with them again and again.”
Diana Linares
Chef Marketing, NATIVUS
Best Experience
“From branding, product design and layout, website and mobile development, Signature led and executed on great ideas with remarkable talent, and within an easy and collaborative ecosystem. I’d work with them again and again.”
Diana Linares
Chef Marketing, NATIVUS